The Council is a kaupapa focusewd and dedicated organisation - to assist us in our mahi we have established a range of national taskforces.
The New Zealand Maori Council has specific responsibility under the Maori Community Development Act (1962) for the welfare, social, environmental and economic affairs our Maori wherever they may be. Council is often called upon to provide advice and insights on a number of policy fronts and across Government, business, industry and the community. In 2018 Council resolved to form eight national task forces across social, environmental and economic policy lines to help shape both the narrative an agenda while at the same time identifying solutions to challenges that face our people.
Each national task-force is chaired by a member of the Executive Committee of the New Zealand Maori Council and members are drawn from both a professional and lived experience. Each task-force is governed by a terms of reference and is able to both table and develop policy from a local and national perspective. The task-forces are listed below and if you are interested in joining please do not hesitate to get in touch with our secretariat.
You can also look at the mahi being undertaken by each of the taskforces by clickling on the links below